"Generate leads, distribute them automatically to regional sales partners and develop them into new customers with professional marketing automation campaigns: SchwörerHaus KG has taken on this ambitious project and implemented it successfully."

In this case study, you'll learn:

  • How SchwörerHaus KG successfully implements the combination of platform strategy, an intelligent interaction between the Evalanche marketing automation solution and the Leadtributor lead management software. 
  • How the prefab house manufacturer shines not only with an end-to-end lead management process, but also with future-oriented and, above all, customer-oriented marketing.
  • How the company was able to achieve an impressive interim result with a lead increase of 20 percent and over 2,000 new newsletter subscribers within a few months.

Company Description:

Founded in 1950 by Hans Schwörer, SchwörerHaus KG is one of Germany's largest prefab house manufacturers, with more than 40,000 houses built. The family business based in Hohen- stein-Oberstetten is one of the top house building addresses in Germany, Switzerland, and neighboring European countries. SchwörerHaus sells around 800 to 1,000 prefab houses a year, including detached, semi-detached, multi-family and mini houses and FlyingSpaces.

The company, which has around 1,350 employees, focuses on energy-saving and ecological construction methods. The houses, which are specially manufactured in Hohenstein-Oberstetten, meet the criteria of the European Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). They ensure optimal residential health, which is guaranteed by tested low pollutant building materials and verified by an indoor air measurement in cooperation with the independent Sentinel Haus Institute.

Starting Situation

SchwörerHaus sells its high-quality prefab houses to future homeowners via its own field sales force. The renowned prefab house manufacturer employs around 110 construction consultants, each of whom is responsible for one region. These work predominantly mobile or advise prospective customers and customers locally as well as in model houses.

Due to the decentralized sales structures, leads were also captured and distributed via a wide variety of media, such as e-mail, fax or telephone. Data reconciliation between marketing, sales and field sales often caused immense manual effort. Therefore, a DSGVO-compliant, user-friendly data management system was needed. 

The marketing processes were similarly complex: In addition to catalogs, information material, and special promotions that potential prospects receive primarily by mail, there is a newsletter that they can sign up for via the website. To enable SchwörerHaus to make its lead generation, from acquisition to closing, more efficient and customer-focused, the task was to create end-to-end marketing and sales processes.

This means setting up automatic marketing workflows and integrating sales partners into the lead management process. The goal of all this was to successfully implement an interplay between marketing automation and a complex sales organization.

Claudia Baur, Online Marketing Managerin, Schwörer Haus KG

Requirements of SchwörerHaus KG

To achieve this, SchwörerHaus set out in spring 2018 to find a suitable marketing automation solution. The prefab house manufacturer attached great importance to using a "Made In Germany" solution that ensured data protection and security.

"Evalanche not only convinced us with its numerous and at the same time DSGVO-compliant functionalities," praises Claudia Baur, Online Marketing Manager at SchwörerHaus KG. "We also felt in good hands right from the start: we had a contact person available to us at all times who responded to our individual wishes and provided us with additional know-how."

The option for later extensions and expansion for additional divisions also played a role "Since we as a group of companies have a total of eleven divisions, it was important for us to select a solution in which separate clients and information from different data pools could be mapped," explains Claudia Baur.

Other advantages were that all divisions can use the central landing page and newsletter templates to ensure a consistent brand image.

The implementation

When the prefab house manufacturer decided on the marketing automation solution in July 2018, the question inevitably arose as to how the leads generated via Evalanche would reach the decentrally organized sales partners seamlessly and, above all, automatically.

Mit Leadtributor war die passende Lösung schnell gefunden: „Leadtributor verfügt über eine standardisierte Schnittstelle zu Evalanche“, erklärt Nadja Bläser, Customer Success Managerin der  leadtributor GmbH. „Diese ermöglicht eine nahtlose Verknüpfung, sodass die Leads direkt in die Lead Management-Lösung fließen und stets  synchronisiert werden.“

Das befähigt SchwörerHaus dazu, alle neu generierten Leads zu überwachen und automatisch über die angegebene Postleitzahl an den entsprechenden Bauberater zu verteilen. „Beide Lösungen zeitgleich einzuführen, hat entsprechend mehr Zeit benötigt als eine einfache Software-Implementierung“, erinnert sich Claudia Baur.

Denn es galt nicht nur, bestehende Datenbestände zu konsolidieren  und über einen Double-Opt-In das Einverständnis der Kontakte einzuholen, sondern auch die Marketing Automation-Lösung sowohl mit dem  bestehenden Content Management-System (CMS) als auch mit der Lead Management-Software zu verbinden. Das alles machte es erforderlich, die verfügbaren Ressourcen sinnvoll einzuplanen.

 „Die ersten Leads haben wir bereits im Februar 2019 über Evalanche generiert. Seit März 2020 sind wir komplett digital. Jetzt gibt es nur noch Evalanche und Leadtributor als miteinander integrierte Datensysteme.“ - Claudia Bauer

FlyingSpace Kampagne

Kleine Häuser ganz groß: Mit dem produktiven Einsatz von Evalanche und Leadtributor fiel der  Startschuss für die erste Marketing Automation-Kampagne. „In Zeiten von  Wohnraummangel und einer immer größeren Sehnsucht nach Einfachheit  – Stichwort: Minimalismus – war für uns schnell klar, dass wir unsere Flying- Spaces stärker bewerben möchten“, so Claudia Baur. „Also unsere kleinen  Häuser ganz groß machen.“ Dafür hat SchwörerHaus mithilfe der Templates  in Evalanche eine Landingpage mit integriertem Formular erstellt, über das  Interessenten den FlyingSpace-Katalog anfordern können. Dazu müssen sie  persönliche Daten, wie etwa Name und Adresse, hinterlassen und können  weitere Themen auswählen, die sie in Bezug auf Minihäuser im Speziellen  oder Fertighäuser im Allgemeinen interessieren. Darunter zählen beispielweise Wohngesundheit oder Haus-Automatisierung. Die Daten aus dem  Formular werden automatisch an Evalanche übermittelt. Von da aus fließen  sie direkt in Leadtributor und werden an den verantwortlichen Bauberater  weitergeleitet. Je nachdem, ob dieser die mobile App oder das Desktop- Portal nutzt, erhält er eine Push-Benachrichtigung auf sein Smartphone oder  eine E-Mail. Sie signalisiert ihm, dass ein neuer Lead existiert und hält einen  Link vor, über den der Bauberater die Kundenfrage inklusive aller Detailinfor- mationen abrufen und das weitere Vorgehen definieren kann. Sein Feedback  fließt wiederum zurück in Evalanche und löst dort einen Lead Nurturing- Prozess aus: Der Interessent bekommt, passend zu seinem individuellen  Bedarf, etwa Kundenbeispiele oder Informationen zu Fördermöglichkeiten  per E-Mail zugeschickt.

The Result

Since SchwörerHaus also presents itself on the Internet as a trustworthy company that operates professional search engine optimization, many potential customers find their way to the website. The willingness of interested parties to fill out the data form for the FlyingSpace campaign was correspondingly high. "Most of them even subscribed to the newsletter right away," Claudia Baur is pleased to report.

Since the landing page for the FlyingSpace campaign has been online, SchwörerHaus:

  • Experienced a lead increase of 20 percent.
  • The number of newsletter subscribers has also skyrocketed considerably. In just four months, the prefabricated house manufacturer has gained over 2,000 new subscribers.
  • With opening rates of between 50 and 60 percent, the monthly newsletter all about FlyingSpaces is very successful.

The Result

  • "The intelligent interaction between Evalanche and Leadtributor has not only enabled us to bring our processes up to date, but also to position ourselves for the future," Claudia Baur explains.
  • "The two systems are the optimal solution for Lead Management 4.0 at SchwörerHaus. Now we have the perfect basis."
  • As part of the successful FlyingSpaces campaign, SchwörerHaus has already leveraged its defined marketing potential while discovering many more.
  • For example, the company plans to set up additional form-based landing pages for event registration and to differentiate and personalize its newsletter more strongly. In the future, it will be geared even more closely to the individual needs of interested parties and customers.

"The potential is far from exhausted".

"With Evalanche and Leadtributor, we have two living systems on our hands that, like our house concepts, are constantly evolving. This fits together and we can only benefit from it."

- Claudia Baur

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